I, like many students across this nation, am gearing up to go back to school and start my senior year of high school. Never would I have thought that I would be starting my senior year during a global pandemic. I’ve learned about different pandemics and plagues in my history classes, never thinking I would live during one too. I feel like it’s all happened so fast. One day I was enjoying my junior year, hanging with friends, going out, and the next I’m stuck at home for days, weeks, and even months. How did it get this bad? How has it lasted this long? When can things go back to “normal”? I have learned to accept that this might be the new “normal,” that things might not ever be the same. My name is Maya, and I’m going to give my perspective about this global pandemic that has left a mark on this world forever.
I’m already aware that my senior year is going to be greatly affected by this pandemic. My high school has already decided how the school will operate this year. I will go to school physically two days a week, and virtually the other two days. My school is splitting the students up by last name, so most of my friends and I are going to be separated. It hurts because I always thought I would be starting the beginning of my senior year of high school with the people who I grew up with. I haven’t seen many classmates since early March. I remember the last day we had in-person school so vividly, and yet it seems like it was ages ago. I remember everyone celebrating since we didn’t have to physically go to school for a few weeks. We all thought it would only last a few weeks, but that turned out to be wrong. Weeks turned into months, and before we knew it, we ended the school while still being at home. Three months of my junior year consisted of staying at home and learning virtually. As for my summer, things weren’t different. I couldn’t participate in activities, vacations, or events this summer like I could last summer. I couldn’t work as an intern again at the Windsor Court Hotel. The major thing I looked most forward to was going to Europe with my classmates for two weeks this summer. I was supposed to take a trip to some beautiful countries in Europe, but the trip was quickly canceled due to the rising case numbers in Europe and America. Summer of 2020 did not plan out the way I thought it would.
This virus has shown me how fast any situation can change, and to cherish the moments that could be taken in an instant. Even though the virus has led events to be canceled or postponed, we can never get back the lives that were lost due to this pandemic. This virus has caused people to breathe their final breath alone and surrounded by medical equipment instead of their loved ones. Due to the stubbornness and ignorance of some Americans, it looks like there isn’t a visible end to this virus. It angers me that some citizens refuse to wear a mask or social distance. I believe America could have had this virus under control like other countries, but instead, we are now reaping the repercussions of people deliberately not following health guidelines and rules. Looking at the high numbers of cases and deaths frustrates me because the numbers should not be that high in the first place. I know for myself; I will always do my part to make sure those around me are safe and that I am too. I’m sure everyone wants this pandemic to end or at least slow down, but for that to happen, we must all do our part and practice social distancing and wear a mask. It’s crazy to think about how this global pandemic will be written in all future history books. It forces you to think if future historians will laugh and mock our foolish actions, or will they be in awe of our initiative to end this pandemic?